Comprehensive cleaning service
Office maintenance, communities of owners, households, cleaning at the end of work and industrial cleaning
Serveis Laverny
Serveis Laverny is a company in the service sector created in the year 2013, by its current managers Mrs.. Laura Gifts Laverny y dn. Juan Vicente Alvarez Martínez , with the intention of covering existing needs until then in the population of L'Olleria.
The company began with a local scope of action, but We currently offer the different services carried out in the regions of La Vall d'Albaida and La Costera..
From 2013 We provide the best office maintenance cleaning services, communities of owners, households, cleaning at the end of work and industrial cleaning.

Servicios ofrecidos en Laverny
- High altitude window cleaning (using comfortable and rigorous security systems that facilitate safety and speed at work).
- Final cleaning and renovation of works.
- Soil crystallization (polished and vitrified), that they leave the floors of their home, office or commercial premises like new.
- Maintenance cleaning in all types of buildings, such as: Neighbor communities, companies, workshops, garages, workshops, restaurants, hospitals, schools, households, etc…
- Spot cleaning of all types of buildings, adjusting to the best of your needs,
- Concrete floor cleaning (industrial warehouses and garages), with industrial sweepers and scrubbers that will make you happy, la rapidez y costos de los trabajos realizados.
- Realización de limpiezas y para cualquier tipo de evento o celebración: aniversarios, comuniones, bodas, bautizos, congresos, etc… en cualquier edificio habilitados para los mismos (iglesias, restaurants, carpas, salones de actos, etc…)